Title: Associate Pastor of Student and Family Ministries
Church: Huntington Baptist Church, Huntington, IN
Summary: Huntington Baptist Church is seeking an Associate Pastor gifted at working with youth and with a vision to build God’s church and shepherd his flock. This is a full-time position with benefits.
Our Church: HBC is a theologically conservative Southern Baptist Church located in a community of 16,000 in Northeast Indiana. On Sunday morning we hold Sunday School classes followed by a main morning worship service. We also have Sunday evening Bible studies and home group meetings, and Wednesday evening prayer and Bible studies. Our youth group meets on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. We desire our church to continue to grow, in particular by attracting younger families.
Qualifications/profile: We are seeking for a man, called to minister God’s flock, who meets the Biblical requirements described in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:6-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-5 to serve as our Associate Pastor. Progress towards or a completed seminary degree is preferable. He should have demonstrated experience working with youth and should possess a heart for evangelism and discipleship. He would assist with our worship services (vocal or instrumental ability is a plus!) and would have opportunities for preaching and teaching outside of the youth ministry. This man would work closely with our Senior Pastor to shepherd the flock and develop our church’s vision for outreach and community ministry. He should have an eager, outgoing personality and be quick to identify new opportunities for service.
To apply: Please submit a resume, cover letter, and three references to searchcommittee@huntingtonbaptist.org. In your cover letter, please make sure to address the following questions:
1. Describe your ministry experiences to date.
2. Explain why you are a good candidate to serve as an associate pastor at our church.