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Joel & Melissa Williams Serving in Mexico

Scott & Casey Tuminello Serving in Europe

Ryan & Michelle Tankersley Serving in Japan

Adam & Christa Serving in South Asia

Jared & Jennifer Serving in Asia Pacific Rim

T&R M&D M&K Dr. Clara Serving in closed countries

Will & Beth Serving in South Asia

Jamie & Aarica Myers Airforce Chaplain

Mark & Ammie Phillips Serving in Madagascar

Roy & Jenna Serving in Europe

Ryan & Terra Lindsey Serving in Europe

David & Robin Serving in Asia Pacific Rim

Marty & Chandler Serving in Tanzania

Jess McWatters Serving in Germany

Randall & Luda Ford Serving in Jerusalem

Elisa serving with Barnabas Intal

March Focus: Annie Armestrong easter offering

We want to emphasize two things during the month of March. FIRST is the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.  Our goal for HBC is $4,500.  One hundred percent of the offering goes to support the missionaries in the field.

The North American Mission Field is a complex region of Canada, the United States, and the territories of Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam and American Samoa. This field has a population of over 366 million speaking 350 languages. It is estimated that 275 million do not know Jesus.

Your generous giving to the annual Annie Armstrong Easter Offering makes an eternal impact across North America. You are the fuel that enables thousands of missionaries to be sent, to plant churches and to serve the needs of people who desperately need a gospel witness.

Please prayerfully consider what your contribution will be this year.

SECOND is Ramadan. On February 28th, billions of Muslims will begin their yearly fast, Ramadan. During this fast they will not eat, drink, or engage in physical intimacy from sunlight until sundown. By participating in this fast, many believe they will be able to overcome any temptation from Satan. This time is meant to give them confidence that they can live a life that is in full submission to Allah.


In a predominantly Muslim country, life will become more nocturnal. Huge parties and feasts will happen after sunset as the task of fasting for the day will be complete. Ramadan concludes after one month with a huge celebration where gifts are given, new clothes are worn, and families celebrate together. For every Muslim, this is an important time as Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam.


As millions in our country are fasting and praying to Allah, please join us in praying for their eyes to be open to the truth.